The core purpose of Business-Personnel Educational Software Technology and Network Consortium (BEST NET) is to provide the best technology services to all members. These services include internet and communication services and systems for the business and personnel offices.
Members include agencies from San Bernardino, Inyo and Mono counties including three county offices, 42 K-12 districts, three Community Colleges and two Regional Occupational Programs.
San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) serves as the lead agent; the Technology JPA, BEST NET/CECC Consortiums' department staff provides the services.
BEST NET software is developed and maintained by the staff which is copyright protected and owned by The California Educational Computer Consortium (CECC) Joint Powers Authority. CECC is a statewide consortium with SBCSS as the lead agent. The Technology JPA department is responsible for providing services to CECC members.
BEST NET business and personnel software is a complete, integrated package containing business, personnel and payroll functions automated through position control, and includes school site-based budget and purchasing systems for principals and staff.
BEST NET is governed by an Executive Committee and supported by Network and Software Advisory Committees. Representatives are nominated and formally approved by the Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents of the membership.
BEST NET services are fully funded by the members. The budget and fees are established annually by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Membership Council (GMC). The GMC consists of the Superintendents of the members of BEST NET.
BEST NET K-12 members are connected to the internet through the statewide K-12 High-Speed Network; Community College members are connected through CENIC - Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California.
Student Safety
NET CETERA from OnGuard Online helps parents talk to kids about being online and offers tips regarding socializing online and the risks involved. For more information, please visit
Maggie Bunten
For additional information, please call 909.386.9600.
760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408