Independent Study
Independent Study is a voluntary educational alternative strategy for students in grades K through 12. No student may be required to participate in this program. A classroom option is always available. Students participating in Independent Study have the same access to the existing services and resources as students enrolled in regular county alternative education, which range from 230/240 - 360 minutes per day. Services and resources include, but are not limited to, course access, instructional materials, qualified staff, tutoring services, and related services. [Education Code (EC) 51746 and 51747]
Students who enroll in Independent Study are offered a means of individualizing their educational plan to ensure their needs are best met through study outside of the regular classroom.
The Independent Study program has enrollment criteria to ensure that students have the required understanding to fulfill the terms of the Independent Study master agreement before it is implemented.
California Education Code Sections 561745 – 51749.6
Instruction and Interaction Requirements
Kindergarten, and Grades 1-3
Students in grades Kindergarten, and grades 1 to 3 inclusive, will have opportunities for daily synchronous instruction. Synchronous instruction and independent work assigned combined shall be equivalent to 230 minutes per day (Kindergarten, 180 minutes).
Grades 4-8
Students in grades 4 to 8 inclusive, will have opportunities for both daily live interaction and at least weekly synchronous instruction. Synchronous instruction and independent work assigned combined shall be equivalent to 240 minutes per day.
Grades 9-12
Students in grades 9 to 12 inclusive, will have opportunities for at least weekly synchronous instruction. Synchronous instruction and independent work assigned combined shall be equivalent to 240 minutes per day.
Referral Process
General/Alternative education students may request from their district of residence to attend the SBCSS Independent Learning Academy. Referrals from the district of residence may be sent to
Individuals with exceptional needs, as defined in EC 56026, may participate in Independent Study if his or her individualized education program (IEP) provides for such participation.
Parent/Student Rights
Before deciding about enrolling or disenrolling in Independent Study and entering into a written agreement to do so, a parent/guardian of a student may request a telephone, video conference, or in-person student-parent-educator conference or other meeting where they may ask questions about the educational options, including which curriculum offerings and nonacademic supports will be available to their child in Independent Study. (EC 51747)
Upon request, students participating in Independent Study for 15 days or more will be transitioned back to in-person instruction from Independent Study within five instructional days from the date of request. (EC 51747)
Additional Links
California Department of Education, Independent Study
California Education Code 51745-51749.6
Angela Khoury
Principal, Independent Study Program
For additional information, please call 909.387.8557.