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Emergency Operations Center

Standard Operating Procedures

These Standard Operating Procedures for San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) Emergency Operations Command (EOC) are part of the SBCSS Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan. The EOC will operate under the procedures of the Standardized Emergency Management System and follow the National Incident Management System. These procedures will serve to define and provide direction for the overall function of the EOC.

Functional Description

The EOC provides for a centralized focus of authority and information and allows for face-to-face coordination among personnel who must make decisions regarding priorities in the use of resources. The following are the major functions performed by the EOC:

  • Receive and disseminate warnings to all SBCSS schools and sites
  • Coordinate emergency operations between agencies
  • Develop procedures and determine state of emergency for the Superintendent and Board of Education
  • Collect intelligence from, and disseminate information to, the various EOC representatives, cities, county, communities, state, federal agencies, and media
  • Maintain general and specific maps, information display boards and other data pertaining to emergency operations
  • Prioritize emergency responses and allocation of resources
  • Control and coordinate, within established policy, the operations and logistical support of school and departmental resources committed to emergency operations
  • Identify and have delivered the needed resources to the site incident commander


Location of Primary Emergency Operations Command

The Primary EOC is located in the Conference Room B on the first floor at the Roy C Hill Education Center, 601 North E Street, San Bernardino.

Activation Authorities

The decision to activate the EOC may be made by the County Superintendent, EOC Director, Deputy EOC Director or the Public Information Officer.

After news of an incident is received, the EOC Director or authorized staff member shall activate the EOC, conduct a needs assessment and begin calling other members of the EOC teams as appropriate to request that they report to the EOC. A scribe will need to be available to keep a record of the incident.

The EOC team members are comprised of the following positions:

Position Current staff member filling the position
EOC Director Joe Sanchez, Director, Risk Management Services
Deputy EOC Director Rhonda Massaro, Risk Management Analyst, Risk Management Services
Public Information Officer Jenny Owen, Director, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations
Liaison Officer  Violet Gutierrez, Director, Human Resources
Safety Officer Michael Maglio, Building Services Manager, Facilities Management/MOT
Operations Section Chief  Andy Nelson, Program Manager, Maintainance/Operations
Planning and Intelligence Section Chief Mary Laihee, Director, Student Services
Logistics Section Chief Katie Hylton, Director, Business Support Services
Finance/Administration Section Chief/Internal Jessica Hurst, Director, Internal Business Services
Finance/Administration Section Chief/External Lena Young-Gallardo, Chief District Financial Services
Scribe  Valerie Alanis, Office Specialist III, Risk Management Services


Joe Sanchez

Director, Risk Management

For additional information, please call 909.386.9670.

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760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408