Child Welfare and Attendance
The Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) program strives to assist local school districts and parents by providing assistance with the consultation, planning, development, and implementation of state and local mandated rules regarding child welfare and attendance.
Information is available in the areas of:
- Student suspensions
- Interdistrict Transfers
- Inter-District Transfer Appeals and Expulsion Appeals -
- School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
- Every Student Succeeds Act
- School Safety Programs
- School Violence Reports
- Educational legislation
- Referrals to alternative placement programs
- Charter schools
- School records
- Homeless liaison
- Foster Youth Services Liaison
Child Welfare and Attendance Collaborates with:
- Local school districts and State Department of Education
- San Bernardino Countywide Gangs and Drugs Task Force (GDTF)
- Local school district School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
- California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance (CASCWA)
- California Association of Pupil Personnel Administrators
- San Bernardino County Children's Network
- Focus West Interagency Collaborative
Child Welfare and Attendance Participates in:
- Local, county and state School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
- Preparation of guideline handbooks related to school records
- Preparation of guideline handbooks related to student suspension, expulsions and appeals
- Providing training to local school districts in the area of school records, suspensions, crime reporting and child abuse
- Referrals to alternative placement programs
Dr. Don English
Director, Children Deserve Success
For additional information, please call 909.386.2755.
601 North E Street
San Bernardino, CA 92415-0020