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6171 - Title I Programs

In order to improve the academic achievement of students from economically disadvantaged families, federal Title I funds shall be used to provide supplementary services that reinforce the core curriculum and assist students in attaining proficiency on state academic standards and assessments.

Technical assistance and support shall be provided to any school participating in the Title I program, including consultation in the development and implementation of school plans and activities. (20 USC 6312)

A written parent involvement policy will be maintained in accordance with 20 USC 6318.

Local Educational Agency Plan

Teachers, principals, administrators, other appropriate school personnel, and parents/guardians of participating students shall be consulted in the development, periodic review, and, as necessary, the revision of a local educational agency (LEA) plan. The plan and any revisions shall be submitted to the Governing Board for approval. (20 USC 6312)

The plan shall address the components specified in 20 USC 6312, which describe the assessments, strategies, and services used to help low-achieving students meet challenging academic standards.

The initial plan shall be submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) and approved by the State Board of Education. Subsequent revisions of the plan shall be kept on file in the Student Services Division office.

Comparability of Services

State and local funds used in schools receiving Title I funds shall provide services that, taken as a whole, are at least comparable to services in schools that are not receiving Title I funds or, if all schools are receiving Title I funds, that are substantially comparable in each school. Comparability may be determined on a school-by-school basis or by grade span. (20 USC 6321)

To demonstrate comparability of services among schools:

  1. The adopted salary schedule will be used to make comparisons.
  2. The ratio of students to teachers, administrators, and other staff at each Title I school shall not exceed 110 percent of the average ratio across non-Title I schools.
  3. Salary expenditures at each Title I school shall be no less than 90 percent of the average salary expenditure across non-Title I schools.
  4. All schools shall be provided with the same level of base funding per student for curriculum and instructional materials.
  5. Records of the quantity and quality of instructional materials and equipment at each school shall be maintained.

In determining comparability, staff salary differentials for years of employment shall not be included. Unpredictable changes in student enrollment or personnel assignments that occur after the beginning of the school year, state and local funds expended for language instruction educational programs, state and local funds expended for the excess costs of providing services to disabled students, and supplemental state or local funds expended in any school attendance area or school for programs that specifically meet the intent and purposes of Title I may also be excluded. (20 USC 6321)

At the beginning of each school year, measurement of comparability in accordance with the above criteria shall be made and records documenting compliance shall be maintained. If any instances of non-comparability are identified, the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services or designee shall promptly implement adjustments as needed to ensure comparability.

Program Evaluation

State assessment results and other available measures or indicators shall be used to annually determine whether each participating school is making adequate yearly progress toward ensuring that all students meet the state's proficient level of achievement on state assessments. (20 USC 6316)

Approved: December 23, 2009