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6163.4 - Internet Safety


The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) intends that technological resources provided by the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Office be used in a responsible and proper manner in support of the instructional program and for the advancement of all K-12 student learning.

The county principal or designee shall oversee the maintenance of each SBCSS school or site's technological resources and may establish guidelines and limits on their use. He/she shall ensure that all students using these resources receive training in their proper and appropriate use. This includes training specifically addressing appropriate on-line behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response, as required by the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.

Parents/guardians of K-12 students served by SBCSS shall receive a copy of the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Student Internet Safety Policy and Student Electronic Network and Internet Acceptable Use Agreement regarding access by students to the Internet and on-line sites yearly.


Student Obligations and Responsibilities

Students are authorized to use SBCSS equipment to access the Internet or on-line services in accordance with the obligations and responsibilities specified below.

  1. Students using SBCSS equipment and accessing the Internet via SBCSS circuits is responsible for the proper use of that equipment and access at all times. Students shall keep personal data, home addresses and telephone numbers private.
  2. Students shall use the SBCSS system responsibly for educational purposes only. This includes appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response.
  3. Students shall not access, post, submit, publish or display harmful or inappropriate matter that is threatening, obscene, disruptive or sexually explicit, or that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race/ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political beliefs. Harmful matter includes matter, taken as a whole, which to the average person, applying contemporary statewide standards, appeals to the prurient interest and is matter which depicts or describes in a patently offensive way sexual conduct and which lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors.
  4. Students shall not disclose, use, store or disseminate personal identification information about themselves or others when using electronic mail, chat rooms, or other forms of direct electronic communication. Students are also cautioned not to disclose such information by other means to individuals located through the Internet without the permission of their parents/guardians. Personal information includes the student's name, address, telephone number, Social Security number, or other individually identifiable information.
  5. Students shall not use the system to encourage the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, nor shall they promote unethical practices or any activity prohibited by law or acceptable use policy.
  6. Copyrighted material shall not be placed on the system without the author's permission. Students may download copyrighted material for their own use only and must footnote copyrighted material when used in academic work.
  7. Students shall not intentionally upload, download or create computer viruses and/or maliciously attempt to harm or destroy district equipment or materials or manipulate the data of any other user, including so-called "hacking."
  8. Students shall not read other users' electronic mail or files. They shall not attempt to interfere with other users' ability to send or receive electronic mail, nor shall they attempt to delete, copy, modify or forge other users' mail.
  9. Students shall report any security problem or misuse of the services to the teacher or principal.
  10. SBCSS reserves the right to monitor any on-line communications for improper use. Electronic communications and downloaded material, including files deleted from a user's computer, may be monitored or read by SBCSS staff to ensure proper use of the system.
  11. The county principal or designee shall make all decisions regarding whether or not a student has violated this policy or this agreement. This decision shall be final.
  12. Inappropriate use shall result in a cancellation of the student's user privileges, disciplinary action and/or legal action (criminal and/or civil) in accordance with law and SBCSS policy.
  13. Termination of Enrollment. Upon termination of enrollment, the student’s access to SBCSS Electronic Network and the Internet will cease and all files remain the property of SBCSS.
  14. SBCSS makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. SBCSS will not be responsible for any damages suffered while on this system. These damages include loss of data as a result of delays, non-deliveries, misdirected deliveries, or service interruptions caused by the system or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the users own risk. SBCSS specifically disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through the Internet.


I certify that I have been trained on the contents of the Net Cetera booklet “Chatting with Kids About Being Online” or the online version at the government website As a student of San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, I, the undersigned agree to use the Internet for educationally relevant projects and assignments only. I accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the Internet to my teacher, department head, or the principal. Privately owned software applications may not be installed on any workstation for any use. Private applications will be removed from the system upon discovery. I agree to all terms and conditions as stated in the Student Electronic Network and Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy 6163.5


Approved: May 21, 2002
Revised March 16, 2010
Revised: May 7, 2013