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6161.1 - Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials - Procedure

1.Instructional Materials Defined.

“Instructional material” means all materials designed for use by pupils and their teachers as a learning resource and which helps pupils to acquire facts, skills, or opinions or to develop cognitive processes. Instructional materials may be printed or non printed and may include textbooks, educational materials and tests.

2.Basic Instructional Material Defined.

“Basic instructional material” means instructional materials designed for use by pupils as a principal learning resource and which meet in organization and content the basic requirements of the intended course.

  • Basic instructional material is limited to those materials which are to be used as a principal learning source by more than 50% of the students in the class.
3.Supplementary Instructional Material Defined.

“Supplementary instructional materials” means instructional materials designed to serve, but not limited to, one or more of the following purposes, for a given subject, at a given grade level.

a. To provide more complete coverage of a subject or subjects included in a given course.b. To provide for meeting the various learning ability levels of pupils in a given course.

c. To provide for meeting the diverse educational needs of pupils with a language disability in a given age group or grade level.

d. To provide for meeting the diverse educational needs of pupils reflective of a condition of cultural pluralism.

e. Supplementary instructional materials include those materials (excluding library materials) which are used as a supplemental learning resource by less than 50% of the students in the class.

f. Library materials (see below) shall be excluded from the definition of “instructional materials.”

4. Textbook Defined.

“Textbook” means a book designed for use by pupils as a source of instructional material, or a teacher’s edition of the same book.

5. Educational Material Defined.

“Educational material” means any audio visual or manipulative device including, but not limited to, films, video cassettes, audio tapes, flash cards, kits, phonograph records, study prints, graphs, charts, and multimedia systems. Educational materials do not constitute equipment as defined in the California School Accounting Manual.

  • Educational computer software shall be considered “educational material.”
6. Instructional Materials System Defined.

“Instructional materials system” means a comprehensive collection of related instructional materials which are designed to improve learning in one or more subjects and are so designed that all parts of the system should be used to produce the results intended.

7. Instructional Materials Set Defined.

“Instructional materials set” means a collection of related instructional materials produced and submitted as a set by a single publisher or manufacturer and which are so designed that each part of the set is related to the same subject; however, not all parts of a set shall be necessary to promote the maximum efficiency of pupil learning in that subject. All parts of a set shall have a common educational purpose and methodology, and each part of a set shall be identified, marked, or imprinted with a common title or name.

8. Library materials

“Library Materials” are defined as those books and educational materials which are placed in a classroom collection, library/media center, resource center, or professional library for purposes of reference or self selection by students or teachers. They are not used as a principal source of instruction by teachers and are limited to three or less copies per site.

9. Adoption of Instructional Materials by the County Board of Education

Basic instructional materials for use in schools and classes operated by the Student Services Division shall be adopted by the San Bernardino County Board of Education.

a. Instructional materials for grades K 8 which are adopted by the California State Board of Education pursuant to EC 60200 60226 shall be deemed adopted by the San Bernardino County Board of Education.

b. Basic instructional materials for grades K-8 which have not been adopted by the State Board of Education and basic textbooks for grades 9-12 shall be adopted by the County Board of Education.

10. Approval of Supplementary Instructional Materials, Educational Materials, and Library Materials

a. Purchase of supplementary instructional materials, educational materials, and library materials for use in the schools and classes of the Student Services Division shall be approved by the principal, regional manager (or other administrator designated by the County Superintendent) who is responsible for the operation of the respective schools and classes operated by the County Superintendent.

b. Administrative approval for the purchase of supplementary instructional materials, educational materials, and library materials is contingent on the material having been evaluated and selected in conformance with the criteria stated in these procedures.

11. Criteria for the Approval of Basic and Supplementary Instructional Materials and Educational Materials

a. Whenever possible, approved materials shall have been personally examined and recommended by the staff member requesting them. His/her recommendation shall be based on the criteria stated in this policy.

b. Approved materials shall meet the legal compliance requirements of EC 60040 60047(social content areas).

c. Approved materials shall be accurate, objective, and current and suited to the needs and comprehension of pupils at their respective grade levels.

d. Approved materials shall be relevant to the curriculum as stated in the County Course of Study, state curriculum frameworks, state curriculum handbooks, local curriculum guides, or individual educational plans.

12. Criteria for the Approval of Library Materials

a. Whenever possible, approved materials shall have been personally examined and recommended by the staff member requesting them. His/her recommendation shall be based on the criteria stated in this policy.

b. Recommendations from reputable sources such as book and media reviewing publications, professional journals, and bibliographies prepared by professional associations, school districts, and/or counties may substitute for the personal examination by a staff member. However, upon receipt of the material it shall be the responsibility of the recommending staff member to review the material in relation to the County criteria and to return any item that does not meet those criteria.

c. Library materials shall be selected on the basis of:

    1. Literary and artistic quality of the materials.
    2. Standards of good taste.
    3. The accuracy and objectivity of the materials, where appropriate (non fiction materials).
    4. Appropriateness. Reading level, content, style, and interest level shall be appropriate for the age and maturity of the intended users.
13. Materials Dealing With Family Life/Sex Education.

a. In addition to the criteria for the adoption or approval of basic and supplementary instructional materials, educational materials, and library materials, special care must be taken in the selection, approval, and use of materials relating to family life/sex education to ensure age appropriateness to help students understand the biological, psychological, social, moral and ethical aspects of human sexuality.

b. Administrators responsible for the approval of the purchase of materials relating to family life/sex education will be held responsible for their proper use in conformance with requirements of the Education Code.

c. It is recommended that materials relating to family life/sex education be reviewed and recommended by a committee composed of health education professionals and teachers. Parent notification and opportunity for review of materials is required.

14. Standards for Use of Videocassette/Films Acquired by Rental or Off-Air Recording by Individual Teachers for Classroom Use

a. Videocassette/films acquired by any means for classroom use shall be directly related to the curriculum and instructional program of the district.

b. Videocassette/films acquired by any means for classroom use shall meet state and County Superintendent standards for evaluation and selection of other instructional materials.

c. Videocassette/films dealing with human reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases are subject to state and local regulations and procedures pertaining to materials dealing with these topics. (Education Code Sections 51550, 51820, and 51240 requires parent notification and opportunity for review of materials.)

d. Feature (theatrical) films and videocassette acquired from any sources shall be shown only to age groups deemed appropriate by Motion Picture Association of America ratings (e.g., R, PG, PG-13, G). Discretion shall be shown in using earlier feature film productions which do not carry an MPAA rating.

e. Acquisition and use of videocassette/films in classrooms shall conform to the Student Services Division’s Administrative Procedures to Implement County Board Policy Regarding Copyright Law.