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6100 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan

All County Superintendent of Schools staff and students must be prepared to respond quickly and responsibly to emergencies, disasters, and events which threaten to result in a disaster.

The County Superintendent of Schools or designee may develop and maintain a disaster preparedness plan which details provisions for handling all foreseeable emergencies and disasters. This plan shall be reviewed and updated at least annually.

Principals and Program Managers shall augment the County Superintendent of Schools’ plan with working plans and procedures specific to each school building and site. All students and employees shall receive instruction regarding these plans.

The County Superintendent of Schools or designee shall consult with city and/or county agencies so that the master and site plans may provide the best possible way of handling each situation and also provide for emergency communications systems between these agencies and each site.

Master and site plans shall address at least the following situations:

  1. Fire in a building.Bomb threat or actual detonation.
  2. Natural disasters, i.e., floods, heavy snows, blizzards, torrential rains, earthquakes, tornados.
  3. Man-made disasters, i.e., smog, riots, airplane crashes, chemical accidents.
  4. Attack or disturbance by disturbed individuals or groups.

The County Superintendent of Schools shall grant the use of school buildings, grounds and equipment to public agencies, including the American Red Cross, for mass care and welfare shelters during disasters or other emergencies affecting the public agencies in furnishing and maintaining whatever services it deems necessary to meet the community’s needs.

Disaster simulation exercises shall be held annually at each administrative office and school site and shall demonstrate how safety procedures may be applied to various types of emergencies. The County Superintendent of Schools encourages all employees to become proficient in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Approved: May 10, 1994