5131 - Special Education Student Behavior Management
In order to facilitate student interaction within the classroom, it is imperative that appropriate behavior management techniques be used at all times. The teacher has the responsibility of ensuring the safety and welfare of all students in each classroom. There may be occasions in which a teacher must protect a student from self abuse, as well as abusing other students. When this occurs, it may be to the teacher’s advantage to notify the principal that a behavior management plan may be needed.
In order to develop such a plan, the following procedures would assist the teacher.
- Teacher identifies a student’s behavior problem that requires more than the routine classroom behavior modification techniques.
- Teacher refers the problem to the principal. The principal directly, or through the services of a mentor teacher, program specialist, psychologist or other staff member, provides support to the teacher.
- If needed, teacher, principal and support staff meet to develop a behavior management plan. Administrator, teacher and parent meet to review plan.
- Goals and objectives relating to target behaviors used are added to current IEP and initialed by administrator, teacher and parent.
- Teacher documents progress of plan and informs parent.
- If the plan is not working, the problem is referred back to the principal and the process is started again
Behavior Management Plan
The Behavior Management Plan should include the following:
- Statement of the problem.
- Description of behaviors to be targeted.
- Behavioral objectives.
- Target behaviors.
- Strategies and materials to be used.
- Persons involved/implementing and responsibilities.
- Method of data collection and description of monitoring procedures.
Crisis Intervention Plan
- Take initial action necessary to maintain the welfare and safety of pupils and staff.
- Ask nearby staff member to observe and/or provide assistance.
- Alert office/administrator.
- Remove student from classroom if necessary.
- Notify parent/guardian.
- Adult initially involved should document the incident on the appropriate crisis intervention form, stating the antecedents to the crisis, the crisis behavior, the adults giving aid to the student, and the method of control used.
Approved: May 24, 1994
William F. Roberts IV
Assistant Superintendent
For additional information, please call 909.386.9572.
760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408