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4362 - Vacation Benefits - Confidential Employees

  1. Each regular confidential employee shall be credited at the beginning of each fiscal year with an annual vacation leave at the regular rate of pay to be earned that year.
  2. Earned vacation shall not become a vested right until completion of the initial six (6) months of employment except for employees working less than twelve (12) months and who have their vacation scheduled during County Schools' winter or spring recesses. Such employees shall be allowed to use vacation leave without salary reduction during winter and spring recesses before completion of the initial six (6) months of employment subject to paragraph 11 below.
  3. The Superintendent shall provide vacation credit, not including overtime, to regular confidential employees who work a full workweek of 40 hours as follows:
    Length of Service from Hire date  Annual Vacation Allowance
    After 6 months and through 4 years 12 Days
    Over 4 years and through 9 years 15 Days
    Over 9 years 20 Days
  4. Confidential employees working in regular positions at less than eight (8) hours per day or less than five (5) days per week, or less than 12 months per year, shall accumulate vacation leave on a pro rate basis.
  5. Vacations may be taken, with the approval of the Superintendent, at such time as will not impair the work schedule and efficiency of the department. If the employee is not permitted to take his/her full annual vacation, the amount not taken shall accumulate for use in the next year up to a maximum of 184 hours, effective with the carryover for the 2001-2002 vacation hours.
  6. Employees working ten (10) or less calendar months shall take vacation during the County Schools winter and/or spring recesses.
  7. The minimum charges against accumulated vacation leave shall be one-quarter (1/4) hour or multiples thereof.
  8. When a fixed holiday falls within a vacation period, the holiday time shall not be charged against the employee’s earned vacation allowance.
  9. The employee may be granted vacation during the school year even though not earned at the time the vacation is taken.
  10. If an employee is separated from service and has been granted vacation which was not yet earned at the time of separation from service, the Superintendent shall deduct from the employee’s final pay warrant the full amount of salary which was paid for such unearned days of vacation taken.
  11. Upon separation from service, the employee shall be entitled to lump sum compensation for all earned and unused vacation, except employees who have not completed six (6) months of employment in regular status shall not be entitled to such compensation.

Approved September 15, 1994
Revised July 30, 1997
Revised June 11, 2002

William F. Roberts IV

Assistant Superintendent

For additional information, please call 909.386.9572.

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San Bernardino, CA 92408