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4213.41 - Position Reclassification - Classified

Time Lines

Requests for reclassification must be submitted between January 1 and February 28 of each year. Employees or supervisors submitting requests for reclassification shall be notified by April 30 whether or not the position is to be studied. Requests submitted during January or February shall, upon recommendation of Human Resources and approval by the County Superintendent, become effective on July 1, and the employee’s anniversary date will be adjusted accordingly. Future movement on the salary schedule will be in accordance with the negotiated contract. Permanent employees reclassified with their positions will not be required to serve a probationary term in the position for the purpose of gaining permanency.

A position that has been reclassified as a result of a study shall be ineligible for reclassification for a period of at least two years from the date the position was reclassified.

Approved: September 15, 1994
Revised: December 18, 2001
Revised: November 30, 2010

Reclassification of established positions shall take place in one of two ways:

1. Organizational Change

Organizational change is defined as a change or reorganization of a department or division. Such changes usually take place at one point in time or by a series of definite steps that have the approval of the division head and/or County Superintendent as appropriate.There are no time lines for organizational changes. Requests for a position study by Human Resources may be made at any time and the effective date for such classification changes may be set for any time during the year.

Requests for position studies involving organizational changes may be made by the direct supervisor with the approval of the division head and the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources. With the approval of the County Superintendent, Human Resouces may initiate a reorganization study to determine appropriate staffing with the intent of finding ways to increase efficiency and reduce redundancy.The position will then be studied by Human Resources and a recommendation shall be made to the County Superintendent.The reclassification of any position must receive the approval of the County Superintendent before becoming effective.

2. Gradual Accretion of Duties

The duties assigned to a particular position may gradually change over a period of time due to evolutionary changes within a department or division. Such changes are called a gradual accretion of duties and may eventually result in the position being improperly classified. The division head, supervisor and/or the incumbent may request that the position be studied by the Human Resources. .Requests must be on the prescribed forms and according to the time lines set forth below.

Requests for position studies made by the incumbent must be approved by the immediate supervisor, the division head and Human Resources before a study is made. Requests made by a supervisor must receive the approval of the division head and Human Resoources before a study is made. After consultation with Human Resources, the supervisor and/or division head may decide not to have a position studied, but instead to remove those duties which are not appropriate to the classification. If a request for a position study, made by the incumbent, is rejected by the supervisor and/or division head, the incumbent may request a review by Human Resources.

Before Human Resources will approve a position for study, a preliminary screening will be conducted to determine if the conditions merit a formal study and that the position falls within the prescribed guidelines. Requests for reclassification will be considered in the order they are received in Human Resources. Those requests falling within presented policy guidelines will be studied on a time available basis as determined by Human Resources.

Upon final approval, Human Resources will conduct a formal study of those positions selected for study and submit a written recommendation to the County Superintendent. The County Superintendent shall make the final decision on whether a position shall be reclassified or whether the additional duties, which may have triggered the study, shall be deleted.

If a position is to be reclassified, the bargaining unit representative shall be notified of the proposed change and will be given the opportunity to respond within fifteen (15) working days of the notification.

An incumbent with a record of two years of continuous employment in the position is automatically reclassified with the position if the reclassification is based on a gradual accretion of duties. An incumbent with less than two years in the position may be required to successfully complete the examination for the classification in order to be considered for reclassification with the position. The salary placement of an incumbent who is reclassified upward with his/her position shall be placed at the first step of the salary range for the new classification that will provide for a minimum of a 5% increase, but in no instance will the salary increase go beyond the E step of the range for the new classification.

William F. Roberts IV

Assistant Superintendent

For additional information, please call 909.386.9572.

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760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408