3541.2 - Student Transportation - Procedure
Student Conduct on Buses
1. General Regulations
At the beginning of the school year, parents will be informed of regulations and laws relating to pupil transportation in California, school policy, and what is expected of students who are transported in a school bus. Students must respect the authority of the bus driver. A bus driver shall not require any pupil to leave the bus enroute between home and school or other destination.
Each school will assign personnel to assist in the supervision of students loading or unloading at the school. School personnel are responsible for any assistance students may need arriving to or exiting from the bus doors. (Bus drivers and attendants are responsible for the students’ actual entry and exit from the bus.)
Articles taken aboard a school bus will be attached to the wheelchair or given to the bus driver to keep while in transit. There may be exceptions on study trips; however, nothing should be placed in a position to obscure the driver’s vision to the front, rear, or sides, or to restrict access to emergency exits.
Bus drivers and teachers will confer with each other regarding students who are causing problems while riding on the bus. Bus drivers who feel they are not being supported by the teacher, or teachers, who have concerns about drivers should be encouraged to meet and discuss these differences. If necessary, the principal and the Transportation Department should be asked for assistance to resolve these differences.
2. Student Conduct on School Bus
a. Students transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of, and responsible to, the driver
b. Students shall be seated prior to any school bus being put into motion and shall remain seated until the bus has come to a
complete stop. Students shall refrain from any action that could distract the driver while the bus is in motion.
c. Students who become a serious safety problem on the school bus may be removed from the bus and have riding privileges
suspended for a period of time determined by the area director/principal in conjunction with the Transportation Department.
School Transportation
1. Passenger Safety
All drivers shall use appropriate safety restraint systems in accordance with the California Vehicle Code. In addition, drivers shall
ensure that:
a. A child who is under age 6 or under 60 pounds, unless exempted in accordance with Vehicle Code 27360 or 27363, is properly secured in a rear seat in an appropriate child passenger restraint system meeting federal safety standards; and
b. All other passengers are properly secured in an appropriate passenger restraint system.
2. Promptness
The pupil must be ready to board the bus at the time and place established by the Transportation Department. The driver must complete the route by the time school starts, so the driver will not be required to wait beyond two minutes, thus making it essential that the student be ready to board the bus on its arrival. Due to the great distances some buses travel, the pickup and return time may vary as much as 15 minutes.
3. Supervision
A parent/guardian must be present to assist the driver at the time of departure for school and upon return to the pupil’s home.
Transportation will provide the parent/guardian with a Release from Responsibility form if someone other than the parent/guardian will provide this service or if the child will be left unsupervised.
a. If an adult other than the parent or guardian is to provide this supervision, inform Transportation.
b. Without adequate notice, the Transportation Department cannot reroute to receive a pupil or return a pupil to a designation other than his/her designated stop.
c. Upon boarding the bus, drivers are instructed to receive from pupils or parents all objects intended for use at school.
d. The student must be brought to the bus because the driver cannot leave the bus to receive a student.
4. Absence
a. If a pupil needs to be absent from school, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the Transportation
Department before scheduled pickup time. The parent or guardian must notify the Transportation Department when
transportation is to be resumed.
b. Should a pupil become ill enroute to or at school, the school will notify the parent or guardian. The school will notify the
Transportation Department that the pupil has been taken home. Transportation will not be resumed until the parent or
guardian has notified the Transportation Department that the pupil is ready to return to school.
5. Bus Behavior
a. If, in the judgment of a bus driver, a pupil’s behavior interferes with bus safety, the driver is authorized to take the necessary
emergency steps and to report the incident to the teacher.
b. If the pupil continues to be a safety hazard, continuance of the service will be endangered.
School Related Trips
1. Trips Arranged by the Transportation Department on School Vehicles
Besides taking students to and from school, school vehicles shall provide transportation for field trips and for special activities approved by the administration. Such trips may be taken in buses or other school transportation vehicles owned, leased, or rented by the County Superintendent of Schools or by utilizing appropriate vehicles from other public school districts. All vehicles shall meet federal and state standards.
a. General Guidelines
1) The Transportation Department will provide a verbal estimate over the phone in order for teachers and principals to
determine if the cost warrants the trip. The Study Trip Request and Request for Transportation form, with all necessary
signatures, must be in the Transportation Department ten working days prior to the due date in order for the trip to be
scheduled by staff. All out of county trips need the approval of the Assistant Superintendent, Student Services or the
Area Director.
2) Before a student can participate in a study trip, the teacher shall have collected a completed SCSRM -110 Waiver for
Minor. This form is required for each study trip, even those where the class walks to a nearby location off campus.
3) Only students from the County Superintendent of Schools’ operated programs, designated adults and teachers will be
allowed to ride the bus. In some cases there may be students and faculty members from other schools transported who
will have prior authorization on the Study Trip Request.
4) Buses will have at least one advisor or teacher to assist the driver to maintain order and discipline.
5) The driver will be present to assist in the loading of the bus. It is the driver’s responsibility to see that the bus is loaded
in a safe manner and the doors are shut and secured.
6) There will be no stops enroute, other than emergency stops, unless such stop is indicated on the Study Trip Request.
7) All students MUST return to point of origin on their bus unless student is released to parent or guardian. This is the
responsibility of the teacher or designated adult.
8) There shall be no excessive noise, in the interest of safety.
9) There shall be no eating or drinking on the bus unless authorized in advance by the Transportation Department.
b. Teachers or Designated Adults on Study Trips
1) Inform students about expected conduct enroute.
2) Compile list of student names.
3) Do not request additional stops, other than emergency, unless they are authorized and approved on the Request for
Transportation form.
4) Teachers shall know guidelines for study trip prior to participating in a study trip.
5) Prepare for the trip. Work with the bus driver. Know when to leave for the return trip. Figure the travel time to the
destination and add 15 minutes for return. Many trips return late at night and parents will be waiting. Try to be
6) On return, see that all students are accounted for. If it is possible, have a phone available for their use.
7) Although the bus driver has the final responsibility, the teacher or chaperon shall help maintain order and discipline in
the interest of safety.
8) Take along any required medication for students requiring medication during the trip.
2. Transportation Provided by SBCSS Personnel using a SBCSS or a School District Vehicle
Upon approval of the Assistant Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent’s designee, SBCSS employees may transport students to community-based instruction programs using SBCSS owned or District owned vehicles.
No students shall be transported in any modified or unmodified 15-passenger van.
SBCSS employees utilizing vehicles from school districts shall abide by SBCSS policy 3541.2 and all applicable policies of the owning district. Prior to transporting any students, SBCSS employees shall complete and submit the Driver Registration Form (Exhibit 3541.2(b)) along with proof of insurance and a copy of his/her driver license to Risk Management.
All passengers are properly secured in an appropriate passenger restraint system in accordance with the California Vehicle Code. In addition, drivers shall ensure that a child who is under age 6 or under 60 pounds, unless exempted in accordance with Vehicle Code § 27360 or §27363, is properly secured in a rear seat in an appropriate child passenger restraint system meeting federal safety standards.
Prior to departure on a school activity trip, all students shall receive safety instruction which includes, but is not limited to:
a. Proper methods of exiting the vehicle in an emergency; and.
b. Location and use of emergency equipment.
This instruction also may include responsibilities of passengers seated next to doors.
3. Transportation By Private Automobile
The Assistant Superintendent, or Assistant Superintendent’s designee, may authorize the transportation of students by private automobile for approved field trips and activities when the vehicle is driven by an adult who has registered with the County Superintendent of Schools Office for such purposes by filing a completed School Driver Certification Form (Exhibit 3541.1 (a)). The California Department of Motor Vehicle’s (DMV) INF 1101 Request for Release of Driver Record Information form must also be completed in person at the Risk Management Office so that driver records can be verified through the DMV.
When filing the School Driver Certification Form all drivers shall be issued the Driver Instruction Form and asked to keep it in their car. All student passengers shall provide permission slips signed by their parents.
Drivers shall be required to possess a valid California driver license and liability insurance of at least $100,000 per occurrence.
The County Superintendent of Schools reserves the right to request additional insurance coverage when appropriate.
A passenger safety restraint system meeting state and federal requirements must be functional and used appropriately by all passengers.
Trucks and pickups may not transport more persons than can safely sit in the passenger compartment.
The number of passengers, including the driver, shall not exceed the capacity for which the vehicle was designed and should not in any case exceed ten (10).
Prior to departure on a school activity trip, all students shall receive safety instruction which includes, but is not limited to:
a. Proper methods of exiting the vehicle in an emergency; and.
b. Location and use of emergency equipment.
This instruction also may include responsibilities of passengers seated next to doors.
For each trip, drivers shall be required to complete a time/place/mileage/passenger log to record the date, time of departure and arrival, locations, odometer readings and names of all passengers.
Teacher Discipline
1. If a student passenger violates the rules or persistently disobeys the attempts of the driver to enforce the rules, the driver may
secure the cooperation of the teacher and/or parents.
2. The teacher will determine the type and magnitude of disciplinary action to be taken in regard to the student.
The teacher is required to discuss the misconduct with the student passenger and make a complete investigation before action is
taken or contact is made with the parents.
3. Types of disciplinary action may include one or more of the following:
a. Verbal reprimand of the student.
b. Elimination of specific campus privileges.
c. Written or oral communication with the student’s parents.
d. Denial of bus riding privileges (only by administrator and Transportation).
4. Teachers are expected to maintain a file of reports and are urged to adopt a procedure for handling the discipline referrals.
5. The following cautions are presented regarding procedures in bus discipline:
a. Pupils should not be suspended from bus riding privileges until the parents have been notified.
b. Notification of the parents and/or the child regarding school disciplinary action is the responsibility of the teacher.
Teachers or Designated Adults on Bus Duty
1. Be at bus loading and unloading areas at least 510 minutes before the scheduled arrival time.
2. Supervise students who are waiting for the bus.
3. Do not allow students to approach bus until it has come to a complete stop.
4. Do not allow students to push and shove while they are loading.
5. Generally speaking, students become the responsibility of the driver once they have entered the bus. However, drivers should
be offered assistance if necessary.
6. Do not leave the area until the buses have loaded and departed.
7. Keep the principal informed of busrelated problems.
Bus Delays
Due to unforeseen problems there will be occasions when the bus will not arrive at the designated time, thereby impeding the smooth ending of the instruction day. When this occurs, the teacher shall do the following:
1. If the bus is late, call the Transportation Department to find out the time of arrival.
2. If Transportation indicates they cannot contact the parent(s) about the late bus, it is the teacher’s responsibility to make the
home contact(s).
3. If there will be a delay of longer than one hour, the teacher shall contact his/her supervisor.
4. While waiting for the bus to arrive, teachers are to ensure an environment that protects the health and welfare of students.
Adverse Driving Conditions
The County Superintendent of Schools’ designee may consult with the California Highway Patrol, or appropriate weather service, when determining the degree to which he/she will limit home-to-school transportation service when atmospheric conditions reduce visibility on the roadway to 200 feet or less.
Whenever bus drivers determine that it is unsafe to continue operating the bus, they may pull off the road at the first safe place and wait until it is safe to proceed.
Bus drivers, in conjunction with the Transportation Department, will determine when road conditions dictate the use of snow stops.
Student Instruction
All students who are transported in a school bus or school student activity bus shall receive instruction in school bus emergency procedure and passenger safety as follows:
1. At least once each year, all students in grades pre-kindergarten through eight who receive home-to-school transportation shall
receive safety instruction which includes, but is not limited to:
a. Proper loading and unloading procedures, including escorting by the driver.
b. Proper passenger conduct.
c. Bus evacuation.
d. Location of emergency equipment.
As part of this instruction, students shall evacuate the school bus through emergency exit doors. Instruction also may include
responsibilities of passengers seated next to an emergency exit.
2. Each time the above instruction is given, the following information shall be documented:
a. District name.
b. School name and location.
c. Date of instruction.
d. Names of supervising adults.
e. Number of students participating.
f. Grade levels of students.
g. Subjects covered in instruction.
h. Amount of time taken for instruction.
i. Bus driver’s name.
j. Bus number.
k. Additional remarks.
This documentation shall be kept on file at the Transportation Department for one year and shall be available for inspection by the Department of the California Highway Patrol.
3. Prior to departure on a school activity trip, all students riding on a school bus or school student activity bus shall receive safety instruction which includes, but is not limited to:
a. Location of emergency exits.
b. Location and use of emergency equipment.
This instruction also may include responsibilities of passengers seated next to an emergency exit.
Approved: April 19, 1994
Revised: February 19, 2002
Revised: July 6, 2007
Revised: August 4, 2015
William F. Roberts IV
Assistant Superintendent
For additional information, please call 909.386.9572.
760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408