3514.2 - Cellular Telephones - Procedure
Individual Stipend for Cellular Telephones
Branch leads will determine those personnel who require a stipend. To determine eligibility to receive a monthly cellular telephone stipend, the employee must meet at least one of the guidelines below. A completed Cell Phone Stipend Request form must be approved by the branch lead and the Chief Business Officer and submitted to Internal Business Services.
- Person requesting a cellular phone stipend is away from their assigned office on a regular basis.
- Person requesting a cellular phone stipend travels to remote areas on a weekly basis.
- Person requesting a cellular phone stipend has responsibility for multiple sites.
- Person requesting a cellular phone stipend has responsibilities which require immediate response/access during or beyond regular work hours for emergency situations.
Employees eligible for the monthly cellular telephone stipend must ensure that their individual cellular service plan meets the business needs of their position.
At the start of each fiscal year, branch leads will receive a listing of employees receiving a cellular phone stipend. At this time a determination will be made as to the need for stipends to continue at their current level. Any changes will be made effective for the August payroll.
Those employees who qualify for a monthly cellular telephone stipend are reminded to use their telephone in a professional manner. Cellular phones must be password protected to discourage unauthorized access to SBCSS data. Disciplinary action may be taken if it is determined that the cellular telephone or any of its functions are used inappropriately.
In the event SBCSS is subpoenaed, receives an authorized public information request or a court-issued request for evidence, employees may be asked to search their personal mobile devices used for work purposes and provide to SBCSS any relevant messages, documents, and communication records.
In the Event a Cellular Telephone is Lost or Stolen
If an employee's cellular phone is lost or stolen and the employee is receiving a cellular phone stipend, the employee is responsible for taking the following action:
- Contact their cell provider and request their lost or stolen cell phone be reset to factory default settings, if possible;
- Ask the cell provider to disable the service;
- Ask the cell provider to deactivate the Wi-Fi access, if possible;
- Contact their supervisor and Technical Services and report the phone lost or stolen. Technical Services can be contacted at tshelpdesklist@sbcss.net or (909) 386-2700.
Approved: December 12, 1996
Revised: July 12, 2001
Revised: April 16, 2007
Revised: March 12, 2009
Revised: June 5, 2018
Revised: August 15, 2023
Revised: December 17, 2024
William F. Roberts IV
Assistant Superintendent
For additional information, please call 909.386.9572.
760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408