3314.2 - Revolving Cash Funds - Procedure
Procedure for Use
1. A general ledger account shall be established in the accounting records to reflect revolving cash funds as assets of the County Superintendent of Schools.
2. The Revolving Cash Custodian shall be the Director, Internal Business Services. The revolving cash fund is for use by the Director, Internal Business Services. Purchases shall be approved by either the Director, Program Manager, Manager of Fiscal Services, or Fiscal Analyst II, Internal Business Services. Revolving cash funds must be maintained for the purposes for which the funds were established.
3. Disbursements made should be only for those items which are clearly legal expenditures of the County Schools Service Fund and for which the same documentary support is received as would permit the payment if made by commercial warrant.
4. Issuing Checks from Revolving Cash Funds
a. The checks used should be press-numbered and should be imprinted with “San Bernardino County Superintendent Revolving Cash Account.” Each check should be drawn payable to a named payee and should not be signed unless drawn on the basis of an itemized receipt, or other appropriate documentation, for a legal expenditure. Void checks should be made non-negotiable by obliterating the signatures and should be kept on file for the accountability of all checks. The supply of unused checks should be kept in a safe location, accessible only to authorized personnel.
b. Revolving cash fund checks may be made out to the vendor for the actual purchase or to the employee for reimbursement of supplies or expenses paid from their own personal funds.
c. Before revolving cash fund check can be issued, a Request for Revolving Cash Reimbursement and receipt must be submitted.
(1) The Request for Revolving Cash Reimbursement must show the date, an itemized listing of the services or supplies purchased, unit prices, total amount expended, vendor’s name and account(s) to be charged.
(2) The employee requesting revolving cash must sign the Request for Revolving Cash Reimbursement.
(3) The Request for Revolving Cash Reimbursement must have the signature of the Director or authorized administrator.
(4) For reimbursement of the employee, the cash register tape or other vendor receipt must be submitted with the revolving cash Request for Revolving Cash Reimbursement. (Original tape or receipt is required).
Note: (1) If the cash register tape is computer itemized, an itemized listing need not be duplicated on the revolving cash Request for Revolving Cash Reimbursement.
(2) If the employee used a credit card, there may be instances where they do not receive the original receipt or tape. In these instances, a copy is acceptable. District Financial Services will require an “only available invoice” statement for reimbursement.
d. When all documents have been received, a revolving cash fund check may be issued. Each check shall be drawn payable to a named payee.
5. Reimbursement for Revolving Cash Funds
For revolving cash funds reimbursement, District Financial Services requirements must be met. As with all County Superintendent of Schools expenditures, District Financial Services has the responsibility of reviewing the legality of revolving cash purchases. In the event that an expenditure is rejected by District Financial Services as an illegal expenditure, the County Superintendent of Schools has no recourse, and no method of reimbursing the revolving cash fund for that expenditure. At that point the payment becomes a personal obligation of the manager who authorized the expenditure.
6. Monthly Reconciliation for Revolving Cash Funds
The bank statements for the revolving cash funds shall be reconciled on a monthly basis by someone other than the employee responsible for writing the checks and reimbursing the funds, the custodian of the funds, or individuals authorized to sign the checks.
Legal Provisions
1. The amount of the fund shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).
The revolving cash funds may be increased within the limitations or they may be reduced or discontinued. Upon resolution of the County Board of Education to reduce or discontinue the revolving cash funds, the custodian shall redeposit with the County Treasury the amount by which the fund is reduced or, if discontinued, the total amount of the revolving cash funds.
2. A bill for reimbursement of the fund shall be submitted at least monthly supported by required receipts. Upon demand of the County Auditor, an accounting shall be given of the fund.
Approved: August 24, 1993
Revised: February 19, 2002
Revised: May 1, 2003
Revised: August 13, 2013
Revised: October 9, 2013