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3311 - Bids

In order to ensure transparency and the prudent expenditure of public funds, the County Superintendent of Schools shall award contracts in an objective manner and in accordance with law. Equipment, materials, supplies, services and repairs shall be purchased using competitive bidding when required by Public Contract Code 20111 through 20118.3 or if the Superintendent determines that it is in the best interest of the County Schools Office to do so. The County Superintendent of Schools shall let contracts to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder who shall give security as the Superintendent requires.

To ensure that good value is received for funds expended, specifications shall be carefully designed and shall describe in detail the quality, delivery and service required.

In accordance with Public Contract Code 20111.5, the Superintendent may require prequalification procedures as allowed by law and specified in Procedures 3311.

When the Superintendent has determined that it is in the best interest of the County Superintendent’s Office, it may piggyback onto the contract of another public agency or corporation to purchase or lease equipment and supplies to the extent authorized by Public Contract Code 20118. The purchase shall be made direct from vendor by contract, lease, requisition, or purchase order and payment made to the vendor under the same terms and conditions that are available to the public corporation or agency under the contract.

The requirement to competitively bid does not apply to: professional services or advice, or insurance services; supplementary textbooks; library books; periodicals; educational films; audiovisual materials; test materials; workbooks; or instructional computer software.

Perishable commodities such as foodstuffs needed in the operation of cafeterias can be purchased in accordance with rules and regulations for such purchase adopted by the County Superintendent and not in conflict with law.

Approved: August 24, 1993
Revised: January 1996
Revised: February 19, 2002
Revised: April 5, 2010

William F. Roberts IV

Assistant Superintendent

For additional information, please call 909.386.9572.

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760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408