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1240 - Volunteers

The wealth of experience available in the community is a resource that should be used in appropriate ways to enrich the educational program and strengthen relationships with homes, businesses, public agencies and private institutions. By their presence, volunteers also can make school environments safer and more closely supervised. The County Superintendent of Schools encourages parents/guardians and other members of the community to share their time, knowledge and abilities.

Volunteers shall be approved, by the County Superintendent of Schools, through the Personnel Office.

Like employees and students, volunteers shall act in accordance with the County Superintendent of Schools and the County Board of Education Policies and Procedures.
Unsalaried volunteers shall be considered employees of the County Superintendent of Schools for Workers’ Compensation Insurance purposes. If injured while serving as volunteers in a County Superintendent of Schools program, they should file Workers’ Compensation Insurance forms provided by the Internal Business Office. Other ancillary expenses which are deemed appropriate for volunteers may be approved by the County Superintendent of Schools.

Volunteers shall work with students under the immediate supervision of certificated employees.

Volunteers shall not be used to displace regularly authorized County Superintendent of Schools personnel.

All persons who wish to perform more than 10 days of volunteer service per school year (volunteering for any portion of a day constitutes 1 day) with or around students shall submit evidence that they are free from active tuberculosis and have been finger printed for criminal record clearance. In addition, they shall give evidence of basic skill proficiency as required of all instructional aides.

This policy does not apply to activities sponsored by school-connected organizations.

Approved: February 2, 1993
Revised: February 12, 1993