1114 - Social Media - Procedure
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that official social media platforms provide current and accurate information regarding SBCSS programs, activities and operations consistent with the organization’s mission and in compliance with SBCSS policies and procedures.
Due to the nature of social media platforms, these procedures do not attempt to name every current and/or emerging social media platform. For the purpose of this procedure, social media includes web-based or mobile forms of electronic communication through which users create online spaces for sharing information, ideas and content including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, MySpace and other social networking sites.
Authorization and Administration of Official SBCSS Social Media Platforms
The Superintendent or designee shall authorize the development of all official SBCSS social media platform. The SBCSS Communications Office will maintain a list of social media sites authorized by the Superintendent or designee for use by organizational departments and designated employee “Content Publishers” approved to post content.
Employee Content Publishers are expected to know and follow SBCSS social media policies and procedures, and are responsible for monitoring and maintaining official organizational presence on social media platforms to ensure:
- Content is current and accurate, and refreshed on a weekly basis;
- All postings and comments by users are monitored and responded to on a regular basis;
- Content is consistent with the organization’s mission and goals, and meets guidelines for posting as defined in this policy; and
- All inappropriate posts as defined in this policy are removed.
Content Guidelines
The most appropriate organizational use of social media includes:
- Disseminating time-sensitive information as quickly as possible, such as school closure, or emergency information;
- Broadcasting announcements about the organization’s programs, services and activities;
- Delivering messages from the Superintendent on key issues impacting public education;
- Raising awareness with youth, parents and families on programs, activities and resources in support of education; and
- Creating communities for professional development and dialogue with educators and partners.
The role of the employee Content Publisher is to add value, and provide timely, worthwhile information and perspective. Content Publishers are responsible for the content they publish on social media sites. Content Publishers should be mindful that what is published may be archived and available for public search and scrutiny.
Employee Content Publishers will adhere to the following guidelines when posting on social media platforms:
- When discussing the organization or SBCSS-related matters, employee Content Publishers will identify themselves by name and position with the office.
- Content Publishers should provide knowledgeable information in the area of expertise and offer unique, meaningful perspectives.
- When engaging in discussions that offer a variety of perspectives and differing opinions, postings shall remain appropriate and courteous.
- Content Publishers are to speak respectfully about SBCSS and current or potential employees and partners. Postings are to be civil and not include postings that will reflect negatively on the organization’s reputation. Postings are to be respectful, uphold the rights of all individuals and not include: ethnic slurs, name-calling, personal insults, obscenity, or any conduct that would not be acceptable in the workplace. Any posting should show proper consideration for others’ privacy and for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory.
- Content does not violate copyright or intellectual property laws, and the employee Content Publisher has secured the expressed consent of all involved parties for the right to distribute or publish recordings, photos, images, video, text, slideshow presentations, artwork, or any other material(s) posted.
- Content or postings do not include advertising for third party events or activities.
- Content Publishers will respect the privacy rights of students, staff, parents/guardians, board members, and other individuals, including student information and employee phone numbers and home addresses as required by policy and state and federal laws.
- The postings of photographs, video and other personally identifiable images and names of minor students require parent/guardian written consent.
- Content Publishers should remember that they could be held individually legally liable for online postings. Employees can be disciplined by the organization for commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment
- Postings should not include unsubstantiated claims, speculations or personal opinions.
- If an error is made, the information should be corrected as soon as possible. Any changes to a previous post or information should be indicated.
- Only those authorized by the Superintendent may use SBCSS brand marks or logos in social media site postings. The organizational logo, department logos, or program logos should not be used in personal blogs or postings.
- Content Publishers should be aware of their association with SBCSS in online social networks. When identified as an employee, Content Publishers should ensure the profile and related content is consistent with organizational policies.
- Content Publishers should be mindful of not blurring their professional and personal lives when administering SBCSS social networking sites.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that official social media platforms are regularly monitored. Authorized staff responsible for monitoring content may remove posts based on viewpoint-neutral considerations, such as lack of relation to the site’s purpose or violation of policies, procedures or social media content guidelines.
Each official SBCSS social media platform shall prominently display:
- The purpose of the site along with a statement that users are expected to use the site only for those intended purposes.
- Information on how to use the security settings of the social media platform.
- A statement that the site is regularly monitored and that any inappropriate post will be promptly removed. Inappropriate posts include those that:
- Are obscene, libelous, or so incite students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises, violation of school rules, or substantial disruption of a school's orderly operation;
- Are not related to the stated purpose of the site, including, but not limited to, comments of a commercial nature, political activity, and comments that constitute discrimination or harassment.
- Protocols for users, including expectations that users will communicate in a respectful, courteous and professional manner.
- A statement that users are personally responsible for the content of their posts and that SBCSS is not responsible for the content of external online platforms.
- A statement that the posting of copyrighted material requires permission from the copyright owner.
- A disclaimer that due to the nature of social media, the views and comments expressed on the site are those of users and do not necessarily reflect the views of SBCSS.
- A disclaimer that any user's reference to a specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation of that product or service by SBCSS.
- The individual(s) to contact regarding violation of SBCSS guidelines on the use of official social media platforms.
Employee Professional Conduct on Social Media Platforms
Social media platforms allow employees to engage in conversations in widely accessible social media environments, which can be transmitted, recorded, archived or otherwise retained even after a user deletes the submission.
The following guidelines apply to all SBCSS social media Content Publishers, and all employees who are identified with SBCSS or use their SBCSS e-mail address on social media platforms. These guidelines apply to private and password protected social media platforms as well as to open social media platforms.
- SBCSS employees may have personal social media sites. These sites should remain personal in nature and to share personal opinions and not be used to share work related information. Following this principle helps ensure a distinction between sharing personal and organizational views. If necessary, use a disclaimer such as: "The postings on this site are my own and don't reflect or represent the opinions of the SBCSS or the department for which I work.” Employees must never use their organizational e-mail account or password in conjunction with a personal social networking site.
- Executives and managers should take additional caution when posting to personal social networking sites. By virtue of their position, they must consider whether published personal content may be misunderstood as expressing an official organizational position.
- Because of their public nature and accessibility by the community, social media platforms represent an extension of the workplace. Employees are encouraged to maintain language and behavior appropriate for the workplace in all personal social media interactions.
- Employees shall maintain a professional relationship with all students, staff, parents/guardians, or community members via social media platforms and recognize that all interactions must meet the same high expectations held of professional and personal conduct.
- Employees shall not post content that encourages illegal actions or inappropriate behavior including but not limited to the use of drugs or drug paraphernalia, membership in organized criminal organizations and display of pornographic or obscene images.
- Employees are responsible for reviewing these guidelines, which may be changed to address additional concerns in the future.
- Employees violating these guidelines are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any violation of these guidelines should be reported.
Approved: March 27, 2012
William F. Roberts IV
Assistant Superintendent
For additional information, please call 909.386.9572.
760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408