Credential Services
Credential Services of San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) is mandated by California legislation and regulation to review, register and certify credentials, certificates, and permits held or applied for by all certificated personnel for 34 school districts, 2 Regional Occupational Programs (ROP), and 5 County charter schools within San Bernardino County.
Under Education Code 44258.9, the Credential Services performs required duties as a monitoring authority. The monitoring process includes review of teaching and service assignments and reporting. The results are submitted to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), the California Department of Education (CDE) and SBCSS. Results of the review are published on the California School Dashboard.
Additionally, Credential Services reviews, advises, and communicates with Local Educational Agency (LEA) personnel, current and potential certificated staff, and the public on certification and certificated assignment requirements set by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and the CDE.
As a support to our 34 school districts and 2 ROPs, Credential Services reviews certification applications from all school districts and ROP sites as a liaison between the LEA and CTC. When certification application requirements are met, Credential Services issues Temporary County Certificates (TCC) that authorize service while an application is being processed.
The Credential Services team provides virtual and in-person workshops for school district and county charter school personnel to inform and advise on changes in certification requirements, certificated assignments, legislation, and regulation.
Credential Services webpages contain informational links for LEA, certificated staff, prospective teachers, and the public. Here you can find helpful information that can address frequently asked questions.
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Amanda Shoffner
Manager, Credential Services
For additional information, please call 909.386.9593.
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760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408