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What is the Local Control and Accountability Plan?

California’s 2013-14 Budget Act made significant changes to the state’s public school funding system. The legislation introduced the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which simplifies how schools are funded and strengthens local accountability. Through the LCFF, districts now receive funds based on local student attendance and demographics with an increased focus on equity.

An important part of the LCFF is the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). School districts, charter schools and county offices of education use the state approved LCAP template to develop a plan that includes annual goals and actions to meet the state priorities, and describe how their budget will be used to meet these goals. Each local education agency must engage parents, educators, students, and the community in developing its plan. The LCFF requires county offices of education to approve the LCAP and budgets for districts within their county.

For more information concerning LCAP, visit the California Department of Education’s website.

San Bernardino County Local Control and Accountability Plan Themes 

  1. Equity and Inclusion
  2. Academic Achievement and Growth
  3. Student Engagement and Well-Being
  4. Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
  5. Family and Community Engagement

                                                                            Local Control and Accountability Plan State Priorities and Corresponding Metrics

Priority 1 - Basic (Conditions of Learning)

  • Fully credentialed teachers 
  • Student access to standards-aligned instructional materials 
  • Facilities in good repair 

Priority 2 – Implementation of State Standards

  • Implementation of academic content and performance standards for all students, including English learners 

Priority 3 – Parental Involvement 

  • Efforts to seek parent input 
  • Promotion of parental participation 

Priority 4 – Student Achievement 

  • Performance on standardized tests 
  • English learner progress in acquiring English 
  • English learner reclassification rate 
  • College and career readiness as demonstrated by the Early Assessment Program 
  • Advanced Placement exam passing rates 

Priority 5 – Student Engagement 

  • School attendance rates 
  • Chronic absenteeism rates 
  • Middle and high school dropout rates 
  • High school graduation rates 

Priority 6 – School Climate 

  • Student suspension and expulsion rates 

Priority 7 – Course Access 

  • Equitable access and enrollment in all areas of study for students 

Priority 8 – Other Student Outcomes 

  • Other indicators of student performance in required areas of study such as science, arts or physical education