Apportionment Bulletins 2023-24
San Bernardino County School Districts will find the bulletin that is referenced in the Apportionment file. The bulletin contains the documentation received from the State of California for both state and federal funds that the State administers.
The following links are to Adobe PDF files. You'll need Adobe's Acrobat Reader in order to view or print these linked documents.
Bulletin Number | Date | Title |
24-387A | 07-02-24 | Eighth Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-386A | 07-02-24 | Fourth Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction, Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-385A | 07-05-24 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-384A | 06-28-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-383A | 07-05-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-382A | 07-03-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-381A | 06-21-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-380A | 06-28-24 | Early Literacy Support Block Grant |
24-379A | 06-25-24 | California Partnership Academies: Career Technical Education Initiative Supplemental Final |
24-378A | 06-14-24 | Grades Six through Twelve Tier 2 Grant |
24-377A | 06-18-24 | Grades Six through Twelve Tier 2 Grant |
24-376A | 06-28-24 | California Partnership Academies PROP 98 - Supplemental GAN - Final Payment |
24-375A | 06-28-24 | After School Education and Safety System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant |
24-374A | 06-28-24 | California Partnership Academies: SBX1 1 Supplemental - Payment 1 |
24-373A | 07-02-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II; Adult Ed. And Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-372A | 07-03-24 | Second Apportionment for Title V, Part B, Subpart 2 Rural and Low- Income School Program Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-371A | 07-03-24 | After School Education and Safety System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant |
24-370A | 06-14-24 | WorkAbility I Program |
24-369A | 07-02-24 | First Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Approval Subgrant |
24-368A | 07-02-24 | First Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Development and Implementation Subgrant |
24-367A | 06-28-24 | Fourth Apportionment for Title III, Part A, English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-366A | 07-02-24 | Fourth Apportionment for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Prevention and Intervention Program for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-365A | 07-03-24 | Apportionment for CalWORKs for Regional Occupational Centers and Programs and Adult Education Programs |
24-364A | 07-02-24 | Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation |
24-363A | 07-03-24 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-362A | 06-21-24 | WorkAbility I Program |
24-361A | 07-02-24 | WorkAbility I Program |
24-360A | 07-02-24 | WorkAbility I Program |
24-359A | 07-03-24 | Fourth Apportionment for Title III, Part A, English Language Acquisition Language Enhancement and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-358A | 07-03-24 | Eighth Apportionment for Title III, Part A, English Language Acquisition Language Enhancement and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-357A | 07-02-24 | Eighth Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-356A | 07-05-24 | Fourth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-355A | 07-05-24 | Eighth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-354A | 06-25-24 | Public Charter Schools Grant Program |
24-353A | 06-21-24 | Workability I Program |
24-352A | 06-18-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-351A | 06-05-24 | California Partnership Academies PROP 98 - Supplemental GAN - First Payment |
24-350A | 06-18-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-349A | 06-03-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-348A | Duplicate of 24-336A | Career Technical Education Incentive Grant |
24-347A | 06-05-24 | Career Technical Education Incentive Grant |
24-346A | 06-21-24 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-345A | 06-20-24 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) |
24-344A | 06-11-24 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) |
24-343A | 06-11-24 | Tenth Apportionment for Homeless Children and Youth II Fund American Rescue Plan Act |
24-342A | 06-10-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program |
24-341A | 06-05-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program |
24-340A | 06-11-24 | Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant |
24-339A | 06-10-24 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-338A | 06-05-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-337A | 06-05-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-336A | 06-10-24 | Career Technical Education Incentive Grant |
24-335A | 06-10-24 | Notice of Apportionment for California State Preschool Contractors |
24-334A | 06-14-24 | Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Summer Grant Program |
24-333A | 06-14-24 | Thirteenth Apportionment for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds, of the American Rescue Plan Act |
24-332A | 06-05-24 | Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Summer Grant Program |
24-331A | 06-11-24 | Tenth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Emergency Needs |
24-330A | 05-22-24 | Grades Six through Twelve Tier 2 Grant |
24-329A | 06-05-24 | Fourth Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Development and Implementation Subgrant |
24-328A | 06-10-24 | Tenth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Learning Loss |
24-327A | 06-10-24 | California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant |
24-326A | 06-10-24 | Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program Grant |
24-325A | 06-10-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-324A | 06-10-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-323A | 05-29-24 | 21st Century-Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Grant |
24-322A | 06-05-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant |
24-321A | 06-10-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant |
24-320A | 05-22-24 | Grades Six through Twelve Tier 2 Grant |
24-319A | 05-24-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-318A | 05-29-24 | Alternate Dispute Resolution Program |
24-317A | 05-29-24 | Alternate Dispute Resolution Program |
24-316A | 05-29-24 | First Apportionment for Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local Educational Agency Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-315A | 05-14-24 | Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program |
24-314A | 05-23-24 | ASES- Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Grant |
24-313A | Duplicate of 24-300A | California Partnership Academies: California Labor Federation Partnership Project - Final Payment |
24-312A | 05-29-24 | Third Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-311A | 04-30-24 | 2023 National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant |
24-310A | 05-21-24 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant |
24-309A | 05-21-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-308A | 05-14-24 | Education for Homeless Children and Youth - Final Close Out Payment - Batch #3 for 26 Grantees |
24-307A | 05-20-24 | Career Technical Education Incentive Grant |
24-306A | 04-26-24 | California Partnership Academies: Career Technical Education Initiative Supplemental Payment 1 |
24-305A | 05-14-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-304A | 04-26-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-303A | 05-06-24 | Early Literacy Support Block Grant |
24-302A | 05-07-24 | ASES- Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics Grant |
24-301A | 05-10-24 | Notice of Apportionment for the Supply Chain Assistance Funding |
24-300A | 04-19-24 | California Partnership Academies: California Labor Federation Partnership Project - Final Payment |
24-299A | 05-07-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-298A | 05-07-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-297A | 05-07-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-296A | 05-22-24 | Apportionment for Local Food for Schools Funds |
24-295A | 05-07-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-294A | 05-06-24 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-293A | 05-06-24 | Notice of Apportionment for California State Preschool Contractors |
24-292A | 05-07-24 | Apportionment for Reversing Opioid Overdose |
24-291A | 04-30-24 | Part C, Early Education Programs |
24-290A | 05-06-24 | Third Apportionment for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At- Risk Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-289A | 05-06-24 | Fourth Apportionment for Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local Educational Agency Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-288A | 05-06-24 | Seventh Apportionment for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected Delinquent, or At-Risk Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-287A | 04-23-24 | Tobacco-Use Prevention Education County Technical Assistance, Proposition 99 |
24-286A | 04-26-24 | Third Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-285A | 04-26-24 | Seventh Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-284A | 04-29-24 | Third Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-283A | 04-23-24 | Infant Discretionary Funds |
24-282A | 03-29-24 | 2022 National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant |
24-281A | 04-23-24 | Third Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction, Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-280A | 04-23-24 | Seventh Apportionment for Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction, Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-279A | 04-23-24 | Apportionment for Kitchen Infrastructure and Training Funds |
24-278A | 04-23-24 | Third Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-277A | 04-23-24 | Seventh Apportionment for Title III, Part A, English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-276A | 04-23-24 | Seventh Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-275A | 04-12-24 | California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant |
24-274A | 04-23-24 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) |
24-273A | 04-16-24 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) |
24-272A | 04-16-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-271A | 04-16-24 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-270A | 04-09-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-269A | 04-09-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-268A | 04-09-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-267A | 03-22-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-266A | 03-22-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-265A | 04-19-24 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-264A | 04-11-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-263A | 04-02-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-262A | 04-02-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-261A | 03-27-24 | School Breakfast Program and Summer Food Service Program Startup and Expansion Grant |
24-260A | 04-02-24 | California State Preschool Contractors |
24-259A | 03-27-24 | AME Workforce Training Program - First Payment |
24-258A | 03-27-24 | Tobacco - Use Prevention Education County Technical Assistance (Proposition 56) |
24-257A | 03-27-24 | Tobacco-Use Prevention Education County Technical Assistance (Proposition 99) |
24-256A | 04-02-24 | Notice of the Ninth Apportionment for Homeless Children and Youth II Fund, of the American Rescue Plan Act |
24-255A | 03-14/24 | Tobacco-Use Prevention Education County Technical Assistance, Proposition 56 |
24-254A | 03-29/24 | Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant |
24-253A | 04-10-24 | Twelfth Apportionment for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds of the American Rescue Plan Act |
24-252A | 04-02-24 | Ninth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Learning Loss |
24-251A | 03-21-24 | California Partnership Academies Prop 98 |
24-250A | 03-26-24 | California Partnership Academies: California Labor Federation Partnership Project - Payment 1 |
24-249A | 04-02-24 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) |
24-248A | 03-21-24 | Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program Grant |
24-247A | 04-02-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-246A | 04-02-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-245A | 04-01-24 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-244A | 03-28-24 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant |
24-243A | 03-28-24 | Public Charter Schools Grant Program |
24-242A | 02-28-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program |
24-241A | 02-13-24 | Sixth Apportionment for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Every Student Success Act |
24-240A | 03-14-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program |
24-239A | 02-28-24 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-238A | 03-14-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program |
24-237A | 03-04-24 | ARPA Part C, Early Education Programs |
24-236A | 03-14-24 | Ninth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Emergency Needs |
24-235A | 03-05-24 | Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant |
24-234A | Duplicate of 24-199A | Second Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-233A | 02-23-24 | California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant |
24-232A | 03-05-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Public Law 113-128 |
24-231A | 03-04-24 | Expanded Learning Opportunities Program System of Support for Expanded Learning TA Grant |
24-230A | 02-27-24 | Workability I Program |
24-229A | 02-27-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-228A | 02-27-24 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-227A | 02-28-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-226A | 02-22-24 | Specialized Secondary Programs- Cohort 7 Supplemental Payment 1 |
24-225A | 02-28-24 | Alternate Dispute Resolution Program |
24-224A | 02-28-24 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-223A | 02-28-24 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-222A | 02-27-24 | California Partnership Academies Career Technical Education Initiative |
24-221A | 02-28-24 | Comprehensive Literacy State Develpment Grant |
24-220A | 02-21-24 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant |
24-219A | 02-13-24 | Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Summer Grant Program |
24-218A | 02-09-24 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-217A | 02-09-24 | Foster Youth Services Coordinating Programs |
24-216A | 02-02-24 | California Partnership Academies: SBX1 1 Supplemental - Payment 1 |
24-215A | 02-08-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-214A | 02-08-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-213A | 02-13-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-212A | 01-26-24 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-211A | 01-30-24 | Early Literacy Support Block Grant |
24-210A | 02-07-24 | California Partnership Academies: SBX1 Clean Technology and Renewable Energy - Final Payment |
24-209A | 02-13-24 | Unemployment Insurance Management System Maintained by County Superintendents of Schools |
24-208A | 02-13-24 | Middle College Early College Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant Payment 1b |
24-207A | 02-07-24 | Workability I Program |
24-206A | 02-09-24 | School Breakfast Program snd Summer Food Service Program Startup and Expansion Grant |
24-205A | 02-06-24 | Workability I Program |
24-204A | 02-13-24 | Eighth Summary for Homeless Children and Youth II Fund American Rescue Plan Act |
24-203A | 02-09-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program |
24-202A | 02-13-24 | Eleventh Apportionment for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds, of the American Rescue Plan Act |
24-201A | 02-09-24 | First Apportionment for Title V, Part B, Subpart 2, Rural and Low-Income School Program Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-200A | 02-06-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program |
24-199A | 02-16-24 | Second Apportionment for Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-198A | 02-08-24 | Sixth Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-197A | 02-06-24 | Second Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-196A | 01-12-24 | California Partnership Academies PROP 98 (First Payment) |
24-195A | 01-24-24 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program System of Support for Expanded Learning Support |
24-194A | 02-06-24 | Sixth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrants Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-193A | 02-06-24 | Eighth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Learning Loss |
24-192A | 01-30-24 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-191A | 01-30-24 | California Community Schools Partnership Program |
24-190A | 01-11-24 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) |
24-189A | 01-26-24 | Eleventh Apportionment for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act |
24-188A | 01-12-24 | Second Apportionment for Title III, Part A, English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement , and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-187A | 01-12-24 | Public Charter Schools Grant Program |
24-186A | 01-12-24 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-185A | 01-12-24 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant |
24-184A | 01-12-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act Public Law 113-128 |
24-183A | 01-12-24 | Third Apportionment for the Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local Educational Agency Subgrant Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-182A | 01-11-24 | Final Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Approval Subgrant |
24-181A | 01-22-24 | Sixth Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-180A | 12-27/23 | California Partnerships Academies: Career Technical Education Initiative Payment 1 |
24-179A | 01-11-24 | Eighth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Emergency Needs |
24-178A | 01-10-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-177A | 01-11-24 | Education for Homeless Children and Youth - Initial Payments - Batch # 1 |
24-176A | 01-11-24 | Dual Language Immersion Grant |
24-175A | 12-29/23 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
23-174A | 12-29/23 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-173A | 01-10-24 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act ( Perkins V ) |
24-172A | 01-10-24 | Schedule of the Sixth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-171A | 01-11-24 | Final Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Development and Implementation Support Subgrant |
24-170A | 01-11-24 | College and Career Access Pathways Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant Payment 1a |
24-169A | 01-17-24 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-168A | 12-27/23 | ARPA Part C, Early Education Programs |
24-167A | 01-17-24 | Adult Education Program |
24-166A | 01-11-24 | Tenth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 Student Support and Academic Enrichment Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-165A | 12-19/23 | 21st Century Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Grant |
24-164A | 01-09-24 | Second Apportionment for Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies |
24-163A | 01-10-24 | Second Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 Student Support and Academic Enrichment Every Student Succeeds |
24-162A | 01-10-24 | Sixth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 Student Support and Academic Enrichment Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-161A | 12-27/23 | Supporting Inclusive Preschool |
24-160A | 01-10-24 | Second Special Advance Apportionment for Charter Schools Local Control Funding Formula |
24-159A | 01-10-24 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-158A | 12-27/23 | Tenth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-157A | 01-10-24 | Sixth Apportionment for Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local Educational Agency Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-156A | 12-27/23 | Preschool Staff Development |
24-155A | 01-08-24 | Notice of Apportionment for California State Preschool Contractors |
24-154A | 01-04-24 | First Apportionment for the Literacy Coaches and Reading Specialist Grant Program |
24-153A | 12-08-23 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-152A | 12-27/23 | Tenth Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-151A | 12-05-23 | Career Technical Education Incentive Grant |
24-150A | 12-27/23 | Tenth Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-149A | 12-27/23 | Eighth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants Amounts Paid from ESSER II Fund |
24-148A | 12-05-23 | California Partnership Academies: SBX1 1 Clean Technology and Renewable Energy – First Payment |
24-147A | 11-28/23 | California Partnership Academies Program -- PROP 98 -- Supplemental GAN -- Final Payment |
24-146A | 12-13/23 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act/American Rescue Plan 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-145A | 12-12-23 | Tenth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-144A | 12-08-23 | National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant |
24-143A | 12-15/23 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-142A | 12-12-23 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant |
24-141A | 12-12-23 | Alternate Dispute Resolution Program |
24-140A | 12-12-23 | 2021-22 IDEA/ARP 619 Federal Preschool Programs Grant |
24-139A | 12-05-23 | Middle College Early College Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant Payment 1a |
24-138A | 12-05-23 | Fifth Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Development and Implementation Support Subgrant |
24-137A | 12-12-23 | Fifth Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Approval Subgrant |
24-136A | 11-16/23 | Preschool Staff Development |
24-135A | Duplicate of 24-130A | Education of Homeless Children and Youth ) Final Close out payments - Batch #2 |
24-134A | 12-05-23 | Eighth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amount Pad from GEER II Fund ( Resource 3217) |
24-133A | 11-22/23 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) |
24-132A | 12-05-23 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act / American Rescue Plan 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-131A | 12-01-23 | First Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-130A | 12-01-23 | Education for Homeless Children and Youth - final Close out payments- Batch #2 |
24-129A | 11-22/23 | Fourth Apportionment for Assessment Apportionments |
24-128A | 11-22/23 | Third Apportionment for Assessment Apportionments |
24-127A | 11-16/23 | First Apportionment for the Mandate Block Grant for Participating Local Educational Agencies |
24-126A | 11-22/23 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-125A | 11-22/23 | Alternate Dispute Resolution Program |
24-124A | 11-22/23 | Educator Workforce Investment Grant |
24-123A | 11-01-23 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-122A | 11-16/23 | California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant |
24-121A | 11-16/23 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-120A | 11-08-23 | Mental Health Average Daily Attendance |
24-119A | 11-08-23 | Second Apportionment for Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local Educational Agency Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-118A | 11-08-23 | Mental Health Average Daily Attendance ( ADA ) Allocation |
24-117A | 11-08-23 | California Serves Grant |
24-116A | 11-01-23 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-115A | 11-08-23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-114A | 11-01-23 | California Partnership Academies: Career Technical Education Initiative Supplemental Final Payment |
24-113A | 11-08-23 | Workability I Program |
24-112A | 11-08-23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-111A | 11-08-23 | CCSPP: Planning Grant C2 - payment 1b |
24-110A | 11-01-23 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act/ American Rescue Plan 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-109A | 11-01-23 | Supporting Inclusive Practices Preschool |
24-108A | 11-01-23 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant |
24-107A | 11-01-23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-106A | 10-31/23 | 2021 National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant |
24-105A | 10-12-23 | California Partnership Academies : SBX1 1 Supplemental - Final Payment |
24-104A | 11-01-23 | Learning Communities for School Success Program Cohort 5 - Third Payment |
24-103A | 10-24/23 | ARPA Part C, Early Education Programs |
24-102A | 11-01-23 | Fifth Apportionment for the Title III, Part A , English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Agency Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-101A | 11-01-23 | Fifth Apportionment for the Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local Educational Agency Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-100A | 10-24/23 | 2021-22 IDEA/ARP 619 Federal Preschool Programs Grant |
24-099A | 10-31/23 | 2021-22 IDEA/ARP 619 Federal Preschool Programs Grant |
24-098A | 11-01-23 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program |
24-097A | 10-31/23 | First Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-096A | 10-18/23 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act ( Perkins V) |
24-095A | 10-18/23 | Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act ( PerkinsV) |
24-094A | 11-01-23 | Workability I Program |
24-093A | 10-18/23 | Education for Homeless Children and Youth – Final Close out payments – Batch #1 |
24-092A | 10-18/23 | American Rescue Plan I – Homeless Children and Youth – Second Payment, Batch # 7 |
24-091A | 10-18/23 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant |
24-090A | 10-12-23 | After School Education and Safety System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant |
24-089A | 10-18/23 | Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation |
24-088A | 10-18/23 | Preschool Staff Development |
24-087A | 10-18/23 | Ninth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-086A | 09-29/23 | Team Nutrition Training Grant |
24-085A | 10-04-23 | California Community Schools Partnership Program: Implementation Grant, Cohort 1, Payment 2 |
24-084A | 10-17/23 | Fifth Apportionment for Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-083A | 10-11-23 | First Apportionment for Title III, Part A, English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-082A | 10-17/23 | First Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-081A | 10-27/23 | Fifth Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-080A | 10-12-23 | Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant |
24-079A | 10-11-23 | Fifth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A , Subpart 1 Student Support and Academic Enrichment Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-078A | 10-10-23 | Apportionment for the Kitchen Infrastructure and Training Funds for Participating Local Educational Agencies |
24-077A | 10-17/23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-076A | 10-17/23 | Career Technical Education Incentive Grant |
24-075A | 10-12-23 | First Special Advance Apportionment for Charter Schools |
24-074A | 09-21/23 | WorkAbility I Program |
24-073A | 10-12-23 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-072A | 10-11-23 | Notice of Apportionment for CalWORKs for Regional Occupational Centers and Programs and Adult Education Programs |
24-071A | 10-11-23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act Public Law 113-128 |
24-070A | 10-10-23 | Apportionment for the Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program for the 2022-23 School Year |
24-069A | 10-17/23 | Ninth Apportionment for Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-068A | 10-05-23 | Apportionment for Title I, Part D Subpart 2 Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At- Risk Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-067A | 10-05-23 | Fifth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-066A | 10-05-23 | Ninth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-065A | 09-15/23 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-064A | 10-04-23 | Ninth Apportionment for Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-063A | 10-10-23 | Seventh Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Learning Loss ( Resource 3219 ) |
24-062A | 10-17/23 | Seventh Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Emergency Needs ( Resource 3218 ) |
24-061A | 10-04-23 | Seventh Apportionment for Homeless Children and Youth II Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act |
24-060A | 10-10-23 | Preschool Staff Development |
24-059A | 10-05-23 | Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation |
24-058A | 10-11-23 | Fifth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 Student Support and Academic Enrichment Every Student Deserves Success |
24-057A | 10-11-23 | Ninth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 Student Support and Academic Enrichment Every Student Deserves Success |
24-056A | 10-10-23 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act/ American Rescue Plan 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-055A | 09-22/23 | California Community Schools Partnership Program: Coordination Grant 2022-23 payment 1a |
24-054A | 10-30/23 | Tenth Apportionment for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds, of the American Rescue Plan Act |
24-053A | 10-12-23 | Second Apportionment for the Arts. Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant |
24-052A | 09-08-23 | Early Literacy Support Block Grant |
24-051A | 09-20/23 | After School Education and Safety Program |
24-050A | 10-06-23 | Tenth Apportionment for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act |
24-049A | 10-17/23 | CCSPP: Planning Grant - payment 1 a |
24-048A | 09-26/23 | Notice of Apportionment for California State Preschool Contractors |
24-047A | 09-20/23 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-046A | 09-20/23 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act/American Rescue Plan 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-045A | 09-20/23 | California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant |
24-044A | 09-20/23 | 2021-22 IDEA/ARP 619 Federal Preschool Programs Grant |
24-043A | 09-15/23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-042A | 09-15/23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-041A | 09-20/23 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-040A | 09-20/23 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-039A | 09-15/23 | Seventh Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants Amounts Paid from ESSER II Fund ( Resource 3216) |
24-038A | 09-13/23 | Team Nutrition Training Grant |
24-037A | 09-21/23 | Alternate Dispute Resolution Program |
24-036A | 09-08-23 | Dual Language Immersion Grant |
24-035A | 09-08-23 | School Breakfast Program and Summer Food Service Program Startup and Expansion Grant |
24-034A | 09-08-23 | Preschool Staff Development |
24-033A | 09-08-23 | Mental Health Average Daily Attendance ( ADA) Allocation |
24-032A | 09-13/23 | Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program Grant |
24-031A | 09-13/23 | Universal PreKindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant |
24-030A | 09-15/23 | California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant |
24-029A | 09-08-23 | Seventh Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from GEER II Fund ( Resource Code 3217) |
24-028A | 09-08-23 | California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant |
24-027A | 09-08-23 | IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements |
24-026A | 08-30/23 | Apportionment for School Food Best Practices Funds Fiscal Year 2023-24 |
24-025A | 08-16/23 | First Apportionment for the Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement ( CSI) Funding for County Offices of Education, Plan Development and Implementation Support Subgrant |
24-024A | 09-15/23 | First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program |
24-023A | 08-30/23 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-022A | 08-24/23 | California State Preschool Contractors |
24-021A | 08-16/23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
24-020A | 08-11-23 | California Partnership Academies – California Labor Federation Partnership Project - Final Payment |
24-019A | 08-25/23 | California Partnership Academies – Prop 98 Supplemental Payment |
24-018A | 08-18/23 | CA National Board Certified Teacher Incentive Program |
24-017A | 08-25/23 | Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant – Final Payment |
24-016A | 08-04-23 | CA National Board Certified Teacher Incentive Program |
24-015A | 08-02-23 | Career Technical Education Incentive Grant ( CTEIG) |
24-014A | 08-16/23 | 21st Century Learning Centers Program System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant |
24-013A | 08-18/23 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-012A | 08-16/23 | 21st Century-Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Grants |
24-011A | 08-02-23 | First Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Approval Subgrant |
24-010A | 07-25/23 | After School Education and Safety System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant |
24-009A | 07-25/23 | ASES-Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Grant |
24-008A | 07-26/23 | Infant Discretionary Funds |
24-007A | 07-28/23 | Apportionment for Supply Chain Assistance Funds |
24-006A | 07-25/23 | Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation |
24-005A | 08-01-23 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant |
24-004A | 07-25/23 | Antibias Education Grant |
24-003A | 07-28/23 | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
24-002A | 07-24/23 | Fourth Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act |
24-001A | 07-25/23 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128 |
Thomas Cassida
Director, Business Advisory Services
For additional information, please call 909.386.9676.
760 East Brier Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408