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Apportionment Bulletins

Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act ( Perkins V )San Bernardino County School Districts will find the bulletin that is referenced in the Apportionment file. The bulletin contains the documentation received from the State of California for both state and federal funds that the State administers.

San Bernardino County School Districts will find the bulletin that is referenced in the Apportionment file. The bulletin contains the documentation received from the State of California for both state and federal funds that the State administers.

The following links are to Adobe PDF files. You'll need Adobe's Acrobat Reader in order to view or print these linked documents. 

Bulletin Number Date Title
25-235A.pdf   Third Apportionment  for Comprehensive Support and Improvement, Local Educational Agency, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-234A.pdf   California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant
25-233A.pdf   Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-232A.pdf   Specialized Secondary Programs: Cohort 8 Year 2 Implementation First Payment
25-231A.pdf     First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program
25-230A.pdf   Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-229A.pdf   Universal PreKindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant
25-228A.pdf   American Rescue Plan I - Homeless Children and Youth - Final Payment, Batch #9 for 42 grantee
25-227A.pdf   California Partnership Academies: Career Technical Education Initiative Final Payment
25-226A.pdf   Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant
25-225A.pdf 01/07/25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-224A.pdf   Homeless Innovative Programs – Final Payment, Batch #2 for 14 grantees
25-223A.pdf   Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II, Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-222A_1.pdf   California Community Schools Partnership Program: Implementation Grant, Cohort 3


  California Partnership Academies - Prop 98 ( Final ) Payment 2 
25-220A   2023 National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant 
25-219A   Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program 
25-218A   Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program 
25-217A   Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program 
25-216A   Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program 
25-215A   California Partnership Academies: 2024 GTPA Final Payment 
25-214A   Learning Communities for School Success Program Cohort 8
25-213A   California Partnership Academies: Career Technical Education Initiative Final Payment 
25-212A   Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program
25-211A   AB130 Foster Youth Direct Services
25-210A   Second Special Advance Apportionment for Charter Schools 
25-209A   Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool
25-208A   Second Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act
25-207A 12/30/24 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable  Program
25-206A 01/07/25 Preschool Staff Development  
25-205A   Second Apportionment for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Prevention and Intervention Program for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At Risk Every Student Succeeds Act
25-204A   Second  Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-203A                 Sixth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-202A 01/02/25 Universal PreKindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant
25-201A 01/07/25 Second Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-200A 01/07/25 Sixth Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction, Every  Student Succeeds Act
25-199A 01/06/25 Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program
25-198A 01/06/25 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation
25-197A 01/07/25 Sixth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-196A 01/07/25 Second Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-195A 01/02/25 WorkAbility I Program
25-194A 01/02/25 Specialized Secondary Programs: Cohort 8 Year 1 Final Payment 2
25-193A 12/30/24 Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program Grant
25-192A 12/12/24 Specialized Secondary Programs: Cohort 7 Year 3 First Payment
25-191A 01/07/25 Second Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language
Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student
Succeeds Act
25-190A 01/07/25 Sixth Apportionment for Title III, Part A, English Language Acquisition, Language
Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-189A 01/06/25 First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program
25-188A 12/30/24 Sixth Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-187A 01/03/25 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance ( ADA ) Allocation
25-186A 12/30/24 California Community Schools Partnership Program: Implementation Grant, Cohort 1 
25-185A 01/02/25 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act ( Perkins V )
25-184A 12/12/24 California Partnership Academies - 2024 GTPA Payment 1 
25-183A 12/12/24 California Partnership Academies: Careers Technical Education Initiative Final Payment
25-182A 12/11/24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-181A 12/20/24  Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-180A 12/20/24 Notice of Apportionment for California State Preschool Contractors 
25-179A 12/20/24  Mental Health Average Daily  Attendance ( ADA ) Allocation
25-178A 12/23/24 Public Charter Schools Grant Program
25-177A 12/10/24 Expanded Learning Opportunities Program System of Support for Expanded Learning TA Grant 
25-176A 12/16/24 Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant: Middle College Early College Payment 1b
25-175A 12/20/24 Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program
25-174A 12/19/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-173A 12/16/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-172A 12/12/24 Notice of Third Apportionment for Assessment Apportionments 
25-171A 12/19/24 Final Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Development and Implementation Subgrant
25-170A 12/19/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements 
25-169A 12/11/24 Notice of Second Apportionment for Assessment Apportionments
25-168A 12/19/24 Sixth Apportionment for Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local Educational Agency, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-167A 12/11/24 Tenth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-166A 12/10/24 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act ( Perkins V )
25-165A 12/11/24 Tenth Apportionment for Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act
25-164A 12/11/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance ( ADA) Allocation
25-163A 12/06/24 Dual Language Immersion Grant
25-162A 12/19/24 Tenth Apportionment  for Title  III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-161A 12/06/24 Part C, Early Education Programs
25-160A 12/10/24 Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Program Grades Six through Twelve Tier 2 Grant
25-159A 12/20/24 Tobacco-Use Prevention Education County Technical Assistance, Proposition 99
25-158A 12/20/24 First Apportionment  for the California Adult Education Program
25-157A 12/10/24 Bilingual Teacher Professional Development Program Grant
25-156A 12/10/24 Twelfth Apportionment for Homeless Children and Youth II Fund, of the American Rescue Plan Act
25-155A 12/10/24 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant
25-154A 12/10/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation
25-153A 12/10/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements
25-152A 11/19/24 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
25-151A 12/04/24 Tobacco -Use Prevention Education County Technical Assistance, Proposition 56
25-150A 12/12/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-149A 12/20/24 Twelfth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Learning Loss
25-148A 12/10/24 Twelfth Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant  Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Emergency Needs
25-147A 12/16/24 Fifteenth Apportionment for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds, of the American Rescue Plan Act
25-146A 12/06/24 Supporting Inclusive Practices 
25-145A 11/26/24 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
25-144A 11/22/24 21st Century Community Learning Centers ASSETs One Time Funding
25-143A 11/26/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation
25-142A 11/26/24 Alternate Dispute Resolution Program
25-141A 11-18-24 Specialized Secondary Programs: Cohort 8 Year 1 Final Payment 1
25-140A 11/19/24 Specialized Secondary Programs: Cohort 7 Year 2 Final Payment 1
25-139A 11/19/24 Specialized Secondary Programs: Mentors Final Payment
25-138A 11/19/24 Specialized Secondary Programs- Cohort 7 Supplemental Final Payment 1
25-137A 11/20/24 Public Charter Schools Grant Program
25-136A 11/25/24 First Apportionment for the Mandate Block Grant for Participating Local Educational Agencies
25-135A 11/20/24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-134A 11/19/24 Early Literacy Support Block Grant
25-133A 11/20/24 Supporting Inclusive Practices Preschool
25-132A 11-18-24 Preschool Staff Development
25-131A 11/14/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation
25-130A 11/14/24 Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant: College and Career Access Pathways 1a
25-129A 11/07/24 Early Literacy Support Block Grant
25-128A 11/08/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-127A 10/16/24 Commercial Dishwasher Grant
25-126A 10/18/24 2022 National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant
25-125A 11/08/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements
25-124A 11/08/24 Fifth Apportionment for Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement County Offices of Education Plan Development and Implementation Subgrant
25-123A 11/08/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance ( ADA) Allocation
25-122A 11/13/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance ( ADA) Allocation
25-121A 11/08/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements 
25-120A 11/08/24 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act ( Perkins V)
25-119A 11/14/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements 
25-118A 11/07/24 Alternative Dispute Resolution 
25-117A 10/31/24 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant
25-116A 10/31/24  Alternate Dispute Resolution Program
25-115A 11/04/24 Fifth Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act
25-114A 11/04/24 Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Summer Grant Program
25-113A 11/04/24 Fifth Apportionment for Comprehensive Support and Improvement Local Educational Agency,  Every Student Succeeds Act
25-112A 10/31/24 First Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment. Every Student Succeeds Act
25-111A 10/23/24 American Rescue Plan I – Homeless Children and Youth – Final Payment, Batch #8 for 34 grantees
25-110A 10/23/24 Homeless Innovation Programs - Final Payment, Batch #1 for four grantees
25-109A 10/31/24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-108A 10/31/24 Supporting Inclusive Practices
25-107A 11/01/24 First Apportionment for Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-106A 10/28/24 Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant: Middle College Early College Payment I a
25-105A 11/04/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-104A 10/28/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-103A 10/24/24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act Public Law 113-128
25-102A 10/07/24 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
25-101A 10/28/24 Fifth Apportionment for Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act
25-100A 10/25/24 Ninth Apportionment for Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act
25-099A 10/25/24 California Adult Education Program
25-098A 10/18/24 Specialized Secondary Programs: Mentors Payment 1
25-097A 10/25/24 Part C Early Education Programs
25-096A 10/25/24 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act ( Perkins V )
25-095A 10/24/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements
25-094A 10/24/24 Alternate Dispute Resolution
25-093A 10/25/24 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program
25-092A 10/25/24 1st Century Community Learning Centers Program
25-091A 10/17/24 Ninth Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act
25-090A 10/17/24 Fifth Apportionment for Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction Every Student Succeeds Act
25-089A 10/23/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance ( ADA ) Allocation
25-088A 10/21/24 Fifth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-087A 10/18/24 Ninth Apportionment for Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Every Student Succeeds Act
25-086A 10/16/24 First Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Every Student Succeeds Act
25-085A 10/16/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements
25-084A 10/16/24 Fifth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Students Every Student Succeeds Act
25-083A 10/16/24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-082A 10/15/24 California Partnership Academies: SBX1 1 Clean Technology and Renewable Energy - Final Payment
25-081A 10/07/24 AME Demonstration Sites Grant: Prop 98 CTEI - Final Payment
25-080A 10/16/24 Ninth Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act
25-079A 10/11/24 First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program
25-078A 10/09/24 Education for Homeless Children and Youth - Last & Final Close out Payments - Batch #4 for 4 grantees
25-077A 10/08/24 After School Education and Safety Program
25-076A 10/07/24 Party C Early Education Programs
25-075A 10/09/24 Preschool Staff Development
25-074A 10/08/24 First Apportionment for Title III, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language
Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act
25-073A 10/08/24 Fifth Apportionment for Title ill, Part A English Language Acquisition, Language
Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for English Learner Students Every Student Succeeds Act
25-072A 09/13/24 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
25-071A 09/27/24 CA National Board-Certified Teacher Incentive Program
25-070A 10/07/24 Notice of Apportionment  for California State Preschool Contractors
25-069A 10/02/24 First Special Advance Apportionment for Charter Schools
25-068A 09/27/24 CA National Board Certified Teacher Incentive Program
25-067A 09/24/24 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
25-066A 09/11/24 CA National Board Certified Teacher Incentive Program
25-065A 09/27/24 Career Technical Education Incentive Grant
25-064A 09/24/24 California Serves Grant
25-063A 09/24/24 After School Education and Safety Program
25-062A 09/30/24 Apportionment for the Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program for the 2023-24 School Year
25-061A 09/23/24 First Apportionment for the California Adult Education Program
25-060A   CA National Board Certified Teacher Incentive Program
25-059A 09/13/24 CA National Board Certified Teacher Incentive Program
25-058A 09/04/24 Educator Workforce Investment Grant
25-057A 09/05/24 California Partnership Academies GTPA Supplemental - Final Payment
25-056A 09/17/24 Preschool Staff  Development
25-055A 09/13/24 Eleventh Apportionment for Homeless Children and Youth II Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act
25-054A 08/29/24 School Breakfast Program and Summer Food Service Program Startup and Expansion Grant
25-053A 09/18/24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act Public Law 113-128
25-052A 09/17/24 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Ed. and Family Literacy Act, Public Law 113-128
25-051A 09/13/24 Eleventh Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund, State Reserve for Learning Loss
25-050A 09/13/24 Eleventh Apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Amounts Paid from ESSER III Fund State Reserve for Emergency Funds
25-049A 09/13/24 Alternate Dispute Resolution Program
25-048A 09/13/24 California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant
25-047A 09/11/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance of Entitlements
25-046A 09/16/24 Fourteenth Apportionment for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds of the American Rescue Plan Act
25-045A 08/29/24 Dual Language Immersion Grant
25-044A 09/04/24 California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant
25-043A 09/04/24 California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant
25-042A 09/04/24 Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program Grant
25-041A 09/03/24 CA National Board Certified Teacher Incentive Program
25-040A 08/26/24 California Partnership Academies: GTPA Supplemental - Payment I
25-039A 09/05/24 Alternate Dispute Resolution
25-038A 09/04/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements
25-037A 08/29/24 Infant Discretionary Funds
25-036A 08/30/24 Universal PreKindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant 
25-035A 08/29/24 Preschool Staff Development
25-034A 08/26/24 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
25-033A 08/30/24

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Ill Summer Grant Program

25-032A 08/21/24 Commercial Dishwasher Grant
25-031A 08/21/24 21st Century Community Learning Centers ASSETs One Time Funding
25-030A 08/16/24 Career Technical Education Incentive Grant
25-029A 08/7/24 Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program
25-028A 08/2/24 2022 National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant
25-027A 07/29/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-026A 08/19/24 Part C, Early Education Programs
25-025A 08/13/24 Commercial Dishwasher Grant
25-024A 08/15/24 IDEA 611 Local Assistance Entitlements
25-023A 08/15/24 Part C Early Educational Programs
25-022A 7/23/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation
25-021A 08/15/24 After School Education and Safety Program
25-020A 08/13/24 Infant Discretionary Funds
25-019A 08/13/24 Career Technical Education Incentive Grant
25-018A 08/07/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-017A 08/13/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation
25-016A 08/13/24 Preschool Staff Development
25-015A 08/13/24 Preschool Staff Development
25-014A 08/13/24 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant
25-013A 08/13/24 Preschool Staff Development
25-012A 08/07/24 Alternative Dispute Resolution
25-011A 08/13/24 Fourth Apportionment for Title I. Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies Every Student Succeeds Act
25-010A 07/25/24 21st Century-Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Grant
25-009A 07/23/24 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant
25-008A 07/29/24 Infant Discretionary Funds
25-007A DUPLICATE of 25-002A Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant
25-006A 07/30/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-005A 07/25/24 WorkAbility I Program
25-004A 07/31/24 Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Summer Grant Program
25-003A 07/23/24 Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Allocation
25-002A 07/23/24 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 619 Federal Preschool Grant
25-001A 07/16/24 After School Education and Safety System of Support for Expanded Learning Grant